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University College London Hospital Trust

Customer testimonial film featuring multiple customers for industry-leading teleradiology company.

Everlight Radiology
London, England

Everlight Radiology routinely host Customer Advisory Panels with their customers to discuss their service and development road map. It is also an opportunity to hear from their customers to understand how they're currently using their service and how they can improve the service.

Everlight Radiology wanted create a testimonial film featuring their customers asking them about their service and the event.

Production consisted of one day filming on-site in their office in London and three days of post-production.

We produced one hero testimonial which was used to promote subsequent Customer Advisory Panel events and three social edits which were used on LinkedIn. We also created the intro and outro animation ident which has gone on to be used in all future Everlight Radiology video content.

I've worked with Video Testimonial Productions on a variety of video projects now and I have to say it's always a pleasure. From briefing through to final product, the service has been seamless and everyone at my organisation right up to the senior leadership has been blown away by the quality of the end result. Totally professional and a joy to work with, everything has come in on budget and on time and absolutely brilliant quality! Five stars across the board from me.

Helen Gray

Senior Communications Manager at Everlight Radiology

Turn Customers into advocates

Capture the power of video testimonials to boost your credibility and conversions.